医疗管理 students first learn basic business and accounting skills as they apply to the healthcare industry. They then learn about health information systems, 管理式医疗系统, 营销医疗保健业务, 公共卫生问题, and legal and ethical issues in healthcare. The acute care track prepares entry level managers for work in hospitals, clinics, 急救中心. The long term care track prepares students for careers as long term care administrators in skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes, 辅助生活.
Upon completion of this program, graduates are expected to:
- Critically analyze research findings for evidence-based medicine and management practices by applying core healthcare administration and fundamental knowledge of the arts and sciences for decision-making.
- Distinguish the legal and ethical standards of practice for healthcare administrators in a variety of healthcare settings and situations.
- Explain the complex relationships between healthcare payers, institutions, 以及本州的客户, nation, and foreign countries from economic and financial perspectives.
- Apply principles of healthcare administration within the continuum of care.
- 比较和对比不同的美国.S. healthcare delivery systems nationally and globally.
- Understand and utilize epidemiologic assessments, economic trends, 人口变化, 医疗保健趋势.
- Identify and recognize current and future health information technology, biotechnology, and other technological implications in the delivery of healthcare services.
- Apply skills, values, and knowledge from the coursework to present a complex business proposal for a healthcare unit.
- Assess community needs for healthcare technologies.